There Are 3 Types Of People At Work
We have 3 groups of people at work. Why 3? We have 3 Layers of operation in most organizational structures. Our flag has 3 colors, The Olympics has 3 medals of distinction, the greatest democracy in the World has 3 branches of government, government agencies have multiple layers of hierarchy, corporations/businesses have multiple layers of leadership structure, schools and nonprofits have at 2 levels of structure, traffic systems have 3 lights, there are 3 major food groups and 3 main body types, families have at least 2 levels of structure and on and on. I averaged it all to make 3 groups of people.
Good News:
SIMILARITY – They all desire the good life – happiness, love, wealth, and health. Surprisingly, the first two groups may want the good life even more than the last group.
Better News:
DIFFERENCE- The only thing that separates the first 2 from the 3rd group is their PARADIGM
Best News:
With the right system, structure and guidance ANYONE can change their PARADIGM. It is SIMPLE but not EASY. We do not rise to the level of our goals and aspirations, we fall to the level of our systems.